Hover your mouse over anybody to get to know them better!

Kinga Baloghné Nagy
Office Manager, Educational Content Development Expert
“The Eternal Optimist”
Kinga has been working with us as an educational content development expert since April 2023 and has led the team as office manager since July 2023. Her name and personality have become synonymous with EDTI and K-MOOC. She tirelessly works to ensure that high-quality, 21st-century learning materials are produced on our e-learning platforms.

Ádám Takács
Interim Office Manager
“The Champion of Flexibility”
He joined us in mid-September 2024 to take over the reins and handle all the office’s challenges while Kinga is on maternity leave. He strives to keep the team running efficiently. At any time, he is ready to bake us a tray of modern, artisanal treats.

Sándor Róbert Árkus
Multimedia content producer
“Mr. Hollywood”
In September 2024, he decided to join us. He works at a film industry pace, is highly proactive, and a true workaholic. A digital image and sound engineer, he proudly represents the Mac and DaVinci camp. He conducts internal training sessions. He always has a sandwich with him.

István Dinai
Multimedia content producer
“The S-Log Magician”
He became a member of the office in October 2024. He is obsessed with S-Log. Like Sanyi, he is a Mac enthusiast. Electricity fascinates him. In his conversations, he argues with plenty of examples. He enjoys working on a vertical monitor and building a network of connections. He is studying theology.

István Dósa
Developer, Technical Administrator
“The Skeptic”
István has been with the University since April 2017, making him the veteran of EDTI. In previous years, he also served as office manager, and today he supports the office’s work as a developer and technical administrator. He is a walking history book.

András Benedek Fodor
Developer, Technical Administrator, Studio Technician
“The Swiss Army Knife”
Benedek joined the team in February 2023. He can solve anything and is knowledgeable about everything. With his great ideas and extensive technical knowledge, he is truly the Swiss Army knife of the office. Thanks to his incredible abilities, any electronic device is repaired with a single snap of his fingers.

Alexa Mária Harmat
Moodle Support, Technical Administrator
“The Philosopher”
Alexa has been a key member of our team since September 2020. She is the University’s know-it-all, enriching the office with her wisdom. Together with Andrea, she is the primary support for students and educators. She entertains us with fun facts about the animal kingdom and her unique life philosophy.

Katalin Holland
Multimedia content producer
“The Brit”
She has been working at the university since August 2022. Since August 2024, she has been a member of the EDTI team, strengthening the studio as a multimedia content producer. She grew-up in England, and if she sees a line, she will join it.

Andrea Köpf
Moodle Support, Technical Administrator
“The Unshakeable”
Andrea has been part of the team since June 2022. Together with Alexa, she is the main support for students and educators. She is unbeatable in problem-solving, ticket handling, and empathy. We owe the office jungle corner to her. She is constantly working on standardising the office’s musical taste.

Hunor Laczkó
System Administrator
“The Dual Citizen”
Since November 2023, he has been part of the IT Office. He is the owner and caretaker of our servers. As both a student and an employee, he actively participates in university community life. During heatwaves, he treats the team to cold watermelon.

Péter Nemes
Cameraman, Studio Technician, Technical Administrator
“The Renewable”
Péter has been strengthening the team since February 2022. He loves new things and is always ready to learn and grow. His enthusiasm is contagious. He gladly shares his board games with us at team-building gatherings. He is the spokesperson of the studio.

Anikó Nyilas
Educational Content Development Expert
“The Inspirer“
She joined us in September 2024. Her vast knowledge and charming helpfulness amazes everyone. She has her own playground in the digital space. Every morning, she is the first to arrive. She loves speaking in two languages at once.

Ágnes Roth
Educational Content Development Expert
“The Control Buddy”
She has been working at EDTI since October 2023. Her passion is the correct and stylish use of the Hungarian language. She gladly lends her voice to others, dubbing personas in the EDTI studio whenever needed. She is always telling stories. In any life situation, she can quote from Friends.

Dóra Varga
Educational Content Development Expert
“The Enthusiastic Ideator”
Since September 2024, she has been adding colour to the office’s daily life. Her thirst for knowledge and creativity are truly admirable. She values self-improvement. She paints beautiful postcards. Ever since she was allowed to laugh freely, she’s been unstoppable.